Friday, December 29, 2006

Links at last

As most of you know, I ain't none too bright when it comes to computer stuff. Ever since I started this dumb blog, I have been trying to figure out how to make links to other web sites, especially the blogs of other relatives and friends. Today, the light finally went on and I figured it out. It only took me about a year. Hooray for me.

More Faces at the Races

Stolen from Mary Jane's blog. BFT and Jackie in the clubhouse at the Fairgrounds on Christmas Eve.

Mary Jane and Jackie peering out the window at Randall taking their picture.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Faces at the Races

Faces at the Races are Mary Jane and Jennie Lane;

Abbi and Jackie;

Randall, Charlene, Nelson and Winston.

Abbigale Grace - handicapper of the ponies

Abbigale became our handicapper at the races. Out of ten races, she picked eight winners. Here she is showing off some of her winnings. It was amusing to see all of the adults around her asking her advise on which horse to pick in the next race. She finally got tired of it and said she was not going to give out any more of her selections. BFT begged her for a tip in the tenth race and she relented. Tom made his big killing of the day and went home a happy man after donating $1.00 to Abbi's college fund.

The Reynolds Family Race

Christmas eve was spent at the Fairgrounds where a race was dedicated to Nelson and Charlene Reynolds, Betty's brother and sister-in-law. Nelson returned home to Rhode Island in October from his second tour of duty in the middle east

We all wished we'd had some money placed on the winning horse. It paid 70 to 1 which would have been a very good payday.

Grace Amelia Reed - Betty's new granddaughter

Betty's new granddaughter, Grace Amelia Reed, was born December 21, 2006. Mother Danielle and Father Jay are doing well.

Monday, December 18, 2006

It Ain't Al Copeland's But It's Lights

Well, I put some lights on the house. Granted, it ain't like Al Copeland's house (the creator of Popeye's Fried Chicken and well known Christmas lights person in the New Orleans area for those of you who don't know who he is), but there are lights. So, yes, Kim, I do decorate, sort of.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Jennie in the Neighbour's Yard

This is Jennie Lane in my neighbour's yard. Since I haven't decorated yet and the kid across then street, Adrian, has decorated their yard, we took Jennie over to take her picture. She did not care for the way Winnie The Pooh felt, though.

Friday, December 01, 2006

In the Clubhouse at the Racetrack

Here are several pictures from inside the clubhouse while we were waiting on our food. Barry appears to be looking at the horses but I don't know if there were any horses running at the time.

Betty and I were actually laughing at something Kristen said or Jennie did. I can't recall, but we were enjoying ourselves, that's for sure.

Kristen and Barry are having a good time but Jennie is not too sure if she likes this or not. Wonder just waht's going on in her mind.

At The Racetrack

On November 26, 2006, Kristen invited Betty and me to join her, Barry and Jennie at the Fairgrounds Racetrack for the races. It was a great day. One race was named for Jennie (a.k.a. Taterbug) and Betty got to present the trophy to the owner and the jockey of the winning horse. I had bet on the horse to show but I won $.80 (yes there is a decimal in front of the 8, it was 80 cents but at least I didn't lose). We all had a good time and Betty and I will go back again.