Monday, November 05, 2007

Eating AGAIN??

While AB and Carla were here, we all went to The Freemans' for dinner one day. More food. All good.

Passin' a Good Time

AB and Carla, Kristen, barry and Jennie and Betty and I all had a good time at Mulate's. the food was good, the service was lousy, the music was tolerable and the company was fine. Good company makes up for a lot.

At Mulate's Cajun Restaurant

We went to Mulate's Restaurant one evening. While there, Carla became a certified Cajun dancer. Hwere are some pictures of her in action. As Oprah says, "You go, girl!"

Carla Keeps Meeting Men

I don't know if AB should be worried or not, but Carla kept onmeeting strange, and I do mean strange, men. Here are some samples.

Carla Learns to be a Mannequin

Carla decided that she could be a mannequin so she got some free instructions from one of the men on Bourbon street. Check 'er out.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Being a Tourist

While A.B. and Carla were in town, we played tourist and did the tourist thing.

A.B. found a young lady who wanted to havce her picture4 made with us. Great taste in a youngsgter, I'd say.

A.B. and Betty at Jean Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop.

Carla met two guys from PETA who were going to make love on Bourbon street all day (the following day) to protest the eating of animals.

We stopped at a few of the local establishments for refreshments.

A.B. and Carla Come to Visit

My brother, A.B., and his wife, Carla, came to visit Labor Day weekend. Unbeknownst to them when they made the reservations, it was also Southern Decadence Days in New Orleans, a gathering a partying of gays and lesbians from all over the U.S.A..

Gracie and Jade - Pumpkin and Witch

Gracie and Jade dressed as a Pumpkin and a Witch. Here are photos of Jade; Grace and Jade; Grace; and Danielle and Grace.

Jennie Lane "Bumble Bee" Nicholson

Jennie was a Bumble Bee for Halloween. She won a prize for her costumn. Here are front and rear views of the Bee Girl.
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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Still More Folks

Tom and Mary Jane, Mary Ann, Randall and Winston wearing the all-time greatest JazzFest shirt.

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More Folks at Jennie's Birthday Luau

Joel and Kristian, smilingling Sandra, Enrico Jason (who went to a real school), and Grandpa Jim, aka Papa.
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Holding Gracie

Almost everyone wanted to hold Jay and Danielle's baby, Gracie. Here's Betty, then Brian, then Niki, and then Daddy Jay