Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Getting Ready to Head Out

After a fun day at the track, Jackie, Betty, Kim, Abbigail and Savannah get ready to head for their respective homes. Meanwhile, in the background, you can see a railbird who is about eight years old mugging it up for the camera. It was surprising to me the number of youngsters who were there. Some of them knew the jockies by name. One little girl even had a notebook in which she kept notes on the horses and God only knows what else.

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Freeman Home at Last Presentation

Here are two photos of Mary Jane presenting the trophy plate to the winning jockey after the race. The jockey did not seem to know what it was and acted asif he was giving it back to her. The owner or trainer finally took it.

All in all, I think we all had a good time. It was nice being with family and getting to meet some new members of the Freeman's extended family. We need to get together a lot more often than we do.

More Faces at the Races

Mary Jane and Treenia, our neighbor and friend who works at the Fairgrounds.

Mary Jane, Kristen (our benefactor), Randall and Tom in the winner's circle.

The Guidrys finally decided to join us after the eighth race. Up until that time they had been in the club house looking down on us.

The Usual Suspects Plus

The usual suspects showed up with a few new faces thrown in for good measure.

First photo is Randall with their new friend and neighbor, Frank.

Next photo is Frank's wife, Janice, with her parents Miss Mitzi and Mr. Joe. Great folks. Miss Mitzi is really funny and a cut up.

Third, Tom (BFT) and me with my mouth full of corned beef.

Gram Betty and three of her five grand daughters, Savannah, Abbigale and Jennie.

And last but not least, Barry and Jennie Lane playing horsey.

BAck to the Track

On Saturday, February 24, 2007, the fifth race at The Fairgrounds Racetrack in New Orleans was dedicated to the Freemans as "The Freemans Home at Last."

Here are Jackie and Winston in the grandstands. Jackie pouring over the program to pick a winner and Winston contemplating just how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop.

And here, Randall and Mary Jane looking happy as they can be. Evidently their horse came in.

More Mardi Gras Photos

Just a few more pictures from Mardi Gras. The tooth Fairy and a recipient of a quarter under his pillow; a couple of clowns; an Easter Bunny and a Playboy bunny; Santa and tooth fairy with a couple of ladies; and a Leprechaun with a lady in a green dress.

Photos from Mardi Gras

Here are a few pictures from the French Quarter on Mardi Gras. The first is of some maskers taking a break.

The second is of the Leprechaun with some greenhaired ladies. He is almost smiling.

The third photo is the leprechaun standing by his pot of gold.

The fourth photo is of our group taking a little break at Pat O'Brien's. People kept stopping to take pictures with us.

Crossing the Mississippi River

Wonder Woman has ridden on the ferry with Santa and me Mardi Gras morning for about four years now. She is not always Wonder Woman but she is always on the ferry.

Carnival Time

Another Mardi Gras has come and gone and a good time was had by all. Here are a few pictures.

This year Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy were joined by Barry the Leprechaun a great addition to our little group.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Recalling the Snow of the Past

Seems like there has been an awful lot of snow in the northern part of the country and it got me to thinking about the last big snow we had here in beautiful, lovely down-town Harvey. It was on Christmas Day of 2004 that our last snowfall occurred. Here are some photos of it all piled up on the deck.

The first has Abbigale out in the snow barefooted. The child is tough.

The second photo is of the giant snowman that the kids built on the deck.

The third photo is of Savannah, Kim, Abbigale and Brian playing in the snow.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Rocky and Carlo's Re-opens

One of St. Bernard Parish's most popular restaurants has finally re-opened. The restaurant is known for its modest prices and large servings, especially in the macaroni and cheese department. It has been totally re-done on the inside but still has the same layout as before. One thing missing is the shower curtain on the doorway to the restrooms. I missed that.

Rocky & Carlo's Restaurant

Here are some scenes from inside Rocky and Carlo's Restaurant in Chalmette, La. The place has been refurbished since Hurricane Katrina.

Jackie, Betty and Winston eating their shrimp, macaroni & cheese, and shrimp stew.

The lines are still long.

The food is the same. Notice the plastic cups with the "Ladies Invited" stamped on the side.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Jennie Lane and her Beads

Jennie Lane, Jennie Lane! What did you do to get those beads??

Abbi, Jennie and Kim

Here are Abbi, Jennie and Kim after they have caught a few beads. You can tell ti was a little cold because Kim the Queen of Cold is covered with a blanket.

Kristen, Jennie and Jason at the parade.

Kristen, Barry and Jason and all the rest of us assisted Jennie in getting her goodies.

More Parade Participaznts

There were (I suppose) a queen, pom-pom girls (marching and dancing) and the members of Barry's karate class in the parade.

Parade Participants

This was the Driftwood neighborhood aprade. Here are some of the participants in the parade.

Betty and Jennie Still Waiting for the Parade

More Waitin' on the Parade

Cousins Jennie Lane and Savannah Jane wait for the parade to come by them.

Waiting on the Parade

Betty, Abbigale and Kim wait patiently for the parade to start and pass. Notice the FEMA trailer still in place in the first photo. Just another sign of how much progress has been made in the recovery from Katrina.

New Gas Grill

Barry's done bought his self a new stainless steel Bar-B-Que grill. On February 3, 2007, he cooked up some chicken and hamburgers on the grill. Here are Enrico Jason Sterling, Barry Nicholson and Brian Guidry at the grill as the food was being prepared. Kristen and Barry fed us all as we waited for their neighborhood carnival parade to come.