Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lunch with Union Pacific Railroad Friends

January 31, 2007, I was invited to have lunch with some old railroad friends. The first picture is me, Charles Spell and David Stanton. David was the person who replaced me at Avondale when I retired. He is now a supervisor in Spring, Texas. Charles is the claims representative who is now on that job. Charles had the office moved to Addis, La., and lives in Baton Rouge.

The second picture show Charles and David standing with U. P. Railroad Police Special Agents Paul Miller and Toby Trevett. Railroad special agents are commisioned police officers with the same authority as any city or county police officers.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Kim Gives Everyone Directions

Kim gives instructions on where everyone should sit for the dispersing of gifts on Christmas Morning. Earlier, with Betty supervising, she had been involved in putting together a little bike for Jennie. Notice the tools at hand: a rolling pin and a screw driver. What a girl.

Jennie shows off her Christmas dress

Jennie shows off her new Christmas dress that her Aunt Kim bought her. Have no idea of what occasion it's supposed to be worn.

Barry got a book as Kristen looks on. Savannah hides herself behind a sweater she reciweved, and Betty inspects a card in one of her gifts.

Opening Gifts on Christmas morning

Christmas morning we opened sopme gifts. Abbi got a bike, Savannah opens a gift of clothing, Charlene got a rock (the kind women like, if you know what I mean) and Nelson got some sovenier coins from Hawaii, among other things.

Christmas Cook

Christmas Day, we pressed poor old Nelson into service. He is a supperb cook, so he got elected to fix Christmas dinner. Here he is at work wearing his Cajun Cook outfit he got for Christmas. Kim stands by to assist him (NOT).

After the Races

After the races pon Christmas Eve, we all went back to Krinsten and Barry's and had more to eat an drink and opened some presents. Here Jennie is helping Savannah. Then, Winston opened his new Mike the Tigger, LSU's mascot, candy dish. Randall tried to take it away from him. Mary Jane and Jackie also opened some gifts. All in all, we had a good time, as usual.